Things To Consider Before Buying An Electric Car

Electric cars are posed to be a lot better than gas cars, butl here are some reasons electric cars are not as beneficial as we think.

  1. They use lithium batteries: Electric cars use lithium batteries to run, this means the car does not use gas to power itself and therefore does not emit Co2. While this is better for the environment and atmosphere, we do not have a good way of disposing lithium batteries yet, and it is very bad for the environment disposing of them the way we do now.
  2. The self driving system is unsafe: Cars like Tesla have systems where they drive themselves, and while this is col and the statistics say this rarely results in crashes, the statistics are rigged. I am not saying you are always going to crash, but when the system detects that there is a crash imminent and there is no way to avoid it, the car deactivates the self-driving system so that they can say they technically did not crash with the self-driving system on.
  3. The car can spontaneously catch fire: Most electric cars have lithium batteries in them which have a tendency to spontaneously catch fire. I know this because after seeing Tesla’s on the side of the road on fire often, I did some research.

These are just 3 things to be aware of before buying an electric car, this is not me saying electric cars are bad or you should not buy them, just a few things to think about.

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